Your Cheerful Giving Makes Difference

Together, we can transform the lives of thousands with a current outreach to South Africa, Malaysia, Fiji, and India.

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Give Online Today!

Thank you for your cheerful giving, we hope the convenience and simplicity of online giving will be helpful to you. You can use our secure platform (by clicking the donate button) to quickly and easily give online.

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Give During Service

If you prefer, you can give during one of our services using cash or check. Envelopes can be found in our Giving Box located at the front of the meeting room. You can place envelopes in the Giving Box before or after service.

​Because of partners like yourself, Living Waters Revival Center and Grace Outreach (the mission's arm of the church) can reach the four corners of the globe with the message of Jesus Christ. Grace Outreach's efforts provide life-giving food, clothing, and emergency supplies to orphanages, impoverished villages, widows and missionaries in third world countries. Together, we can transform the lives of thousands with a current outreach to South Africa, Malaysia, Fiji, and India.

Give Today!

​Your cheerful giving is what makes it possible for others to encounter life with Christ, discover their God-given gifts, and grow and flourish in their calling. As you partner with us, as a cheerful giver - you become an integral part of our corporate eternal impact.